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Vintagetech Gallery
Akai 4000D
Ubiquitous Akai - this one in black
Akai GX-77
Nice looking but Akai skimped on the motors!
Akai GX-625
Nice and quiet- an easy to use Akai
Akai GX-635 D
Akai GX-747 A
Akai GX747 Front
Akai GX-4000D
Boyuu A9
Chinese kit, can be wire SET (4 Watts) ultra linear (7 Watts)
EL34 SET Amplifier
Nice sounding Chinese amplifier
Early 'live chassis' recorder
Fostex R8
8 track for the 'bedroom studio'
Teac A3740
Inside an old Teac, so old yet so clean
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